Sunday, January 16, 2011

Crunchy, Crunchy Apples

So, Parker started preschool this year and LOVES it. He has great teachers, Mrs. O and Mrs. Romey, and has made a cute little friend John. He comes home everyday and tells me what he and his friend John played that day. He also is a little tattle tale and will tell me what kids were not using their listening ears or if they took a toy away from another kid. This is his first field trip and we went to an apple orchard nearby in Michigan. We got to pick lots of yummy apples, have a little picnic in the orchard and try out a tractor. After the field-trip was over, Parker and I stayed behind and picked some green tomatoes so I could make some fried green tomatoes. My grandpa Blaine made them for us over the summer and I had had a craving ever since. Needless to say, mine didn't turn out quite like his. Maybe next year I'll have to practice with him, cuz they seriously were delish!