Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Halloween

Halloween was tricky this year because it fell on a Sunday. But have no fear, a good friend of ours found a neighborhood that was doing trick-or-treating on Saturday, so we dressed up and met some friends and got more than enough candy to last for forever.

Here we have a greek goddess, a dead hippie, and the prince of persia (chosen only for his awesome weaponry).

And of course the dual personality super hero, Batman Robin. Who needs a sidekick when you have yourself right? :)


Haylie said...

I'd have to say Parker's costume is hilarious, as is the commentary. :)

Haylie said...

I thought I commented on this a few days ago...but I guess not? Anyways, I think Parker's costume is hilarious, as was your commentary! The kids are growing up! I remember when it was cool to be a "dead _______" ha ha!