Thursday, January 17, 2008

American Idol???

The other night I was able to catch the last bit of the American Idol auditions in Philidelphia. Does anyone else think that the last contestant ( I forgot her name ), the married nanny, is mormon? I mean how many people have never seen a rated R movie and have never had a drink or anything? I might just have to vote this season....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Ok, so I went to do some Christmas exchanges the other night and I just had to laugh at myself and the frazzled mess I was in . I didn't have a receipt and so the cashier was suppose to give me a merchandise credit, but on accident he gave me cash, but asked if I could go spend it in the store. So I was trying to be nice and oblige and went to pick out something for the same price of the item I returned. So I found something and picked up a little candy treat for myself and headed to the counter. He rings me up and it turns out I am over the cash amount. Embarrassing! So I have him take off the treat and figure that would be good. Well, not so. So here I am digging around my purse for 15 cents and do ya think I could find any? No, and by this time there is line forming. So I have run out to my car dig around for change, because every other time there is a mountain of change. But, not so on this night, I was lucky that I found 5 pennies. I know you are thinking by now just use the dang debit card already, but I was so frazzled it didn't even cross my mind. Luckily I happened to have a dime in my coat. I know this is random but it was so embarrassing as it was actually happening---one of those just laugh at yourself moment.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Testing, Testing.....

So I was just checking to see if this idea worked. I made this collage on Picasa, it is just basic and they have some other basic layouts. What do ya think?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Parker's first round of rice cereal. I think we got more on his bib than actually in his mouth. :)

Christmas Morning

Waking up on Christmas morning: a moment of peace before the chaos hit.
Peeking through the stairs...waiting for mom and dad to get up.
Caitlyn with her favorite princess cash register.
Emma is going to give karaoke a try and meet Chocolate, her horse webkinz.
Brandon opeining hes presents and declarin that it was "Awesome."

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we had a pizza picnic (Chicago style) around the Christmas tree. Then we acted out the Nativity and sang Christmas carols. Just in case you couldn't tell, Emma was Mary, Brandon was Joseph, Caitlyn was an angel, Grandpa was a Wiseman, and Grandma was a sheep. We were short a shepard because dad was the narrator. Parker was going to be baby Jesus, but he fell asleep before the festivities.
We always get to open one present on Christmas Eve: matching jammies for everyone.