Thursday, January 17, 2008

American Idol???

The other night I was able to catch the last bit of the American Idol auditions in Philidelphia. Does anyone else think that the last contestant ( I forgot her name ), the married nanny, is mormon? I mean how many people have never seen a rated R movie and have never had a drink or anything? I might just have to vote this season....


Thayne6 said...

I thought she was too! Somehow I always get hooked into watching.

Thanks for the card. I love keeping track of good friends.

Take care,

Heidi Kjar said...

Hi Janaye! It's me Heidi (Bell). So fun to see your blog and your family. Your kids are so cute. The last girl on american idol seems totally mormon. Her name is Brooke White. I was curious too, so that night I googled her name and found her "My space" page and she talked about how she knows she is a child of God....and lots of other stuff like that, but never said on their if she is mormon or not? But from what she said on her blog it seemed pretty clear she is. Anyways! I'm sure I'll stop by your blog more. Take care:) love, Heidi

Johnson said...

Hello Janaye, so random I came across this question today, because I was with some friends today and one of the girls I was with knew her and yes she is mormon. Your family is adorable.