Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Here's the Deal

OK, so I had all these big plans to update over the summer so when we got back for the fall and winter festivities I would be able to just post as we go. Well, that would have been a great plan, except for my computer crashed....completely losing the hard drive...including all my pictures! AARGGH, to say the least. We were able to recover most of them (after a lot of time and money), but needless to say I was a little disenchanted with my computer, we had a love hate relationship for a while. But it is true what they say, time heals all wounds, and I am back and ready to start updating, so even though these posts won't be of current life events, they happend, and I just can't bear to skip them and not record them. And two HUGE lessons learned from this little experience 1. Don't believe the commercials...macs really aren't superior to PC's and 2. BACK-UP BACK-UP BACK-UP, so much easier and costly to back up your stuff on an external hard drive than to try recover everything after it is gone.